Authorisations and Charges

We authorise a set amount on your payment card during your journey to confirm and reserve available funds. The actual charge is based on the final cost and is deducted from the authorised amount. Any remaining funds are returned to your bank account.

Returns and refunds may take up to 2–3 weeks to process and appear in your bank account. If, after this time, the refund is still not available in your bank account, please contact our Customer Service.

Why do I see this as a charge?

Most banks refer to this as an “authorisation” or “hold”. However, in some banks, this may appear as a “charge”. In any case, the authorised amount is not debited from your bank account.

How do I know I have a return?

Banks usually do not notify you about this. After a certain time, the funds will become available in your account again. You can track this using a bank account statement.

Why have I got several authorisations?

If the actual cost exceeds the initial authorised amount, we authorise another amount in order to continue your journey.

Why was I charged in advance?

For advance booking, we authorise the amount 48 hours before the scheduled time to confirm available funds and secure the cost.

What if I cancel my journey?

There is no charge if you cancel within the first 5 minutes after the arrival of a chauffeur. However, if you cancel later, you will be charged a cancellation fee. The remaining amount will be returned to your bank account.